Posts Tagged ‘Agents’


August 7, 2009

The idea of the last LiveWorks Newsletter was to point out how innovators like C3, Goldenvoice/AEG Live, Superfly/Ashley Capps/Coran Capshaw, CAA, William Morris, Madison House…and Kevin Lyman have changed the landscape of the U.S. Concert Business through their festival development…and challenges the rest of us to try to live-up to their example.  So when I first saw a few jumping on Kid Rock’s bandwagon to tear Kevin down (in my mind Rock was the only one who should have been dissing and even he admits that he likes Kevin), my blood pressure started rising fast (those of you who know me have seen that before).  But then…Lefsetz started posting the flood (only way to describe it) of support for Kevin Lyman.

It was heartwarming to see so many bands, managers, agents, promoters, sponsors, fans…everyone say WE LOVE KEVIN… AND THIS IS WHY vs. ARTHUR FOGEL IS A LIAR (which we still saw too much of).  Here are some facts to chew on…

1) The U2 tour is doing very well whether you like their new album or not.  They are an amazing live band, always do groundbreaking production,  and unless you are in the box office counting the drop every-night, you shouldn’t be commenting on other’s ticket sales (unless you are Bob Lefsetz as he is our business’s commentator and conscious…and the reason we have these dialogues in the first place).

2) A new trend the business is seeing, and adapting to as much as possible is seating preferences.  P1 seats continue to sell in this economy.  So do P3’s and beyond.  P2’s not so much.  What you might see in a stadium concert is a show that is 98% sold-out and still has an empty section that looks like it is down-front. Just because the promoter/building/band wants to fill it in, doesn’t mean the show didn’t make money, and most of the capacity sold.  Maybe I’m totally wrong, but if you don’t know for sure, don’t call someone a liar!

3) Like the Festival Producers listed above,Arthur Fogel has changed our industry.  Bono and Madonna think he is the rock star!  He basically owns the top of the box score artists.  If you are talking shit about
Arthur, you are just jealous or pissed!  Me, I would rather do business with him than not. 

4) In case you haven’t noticed over the past couple of days, The Lefsetz Letter has us all talking.  Managers, agents, promoters, lawyers, business managers, label people, sponsors, fans, even rock stars (although I’m not sure if Madonna knows that Bob actually types on a computer and doesn’t write with a pen…but even she is talking about his fishing tackle).  Ok, so he doesn’t always get the facts perfect…but I don’t think that’s the point.  Bob, like the rest of us wants to see change for the positive.  Sometimes he needs to say things in a certain way to piss people off and get them talking (he never told me that but I’m guessing it is the case). 

With the way the world sits right now, our business should be pulling together instead of knocking each other down.  We should be encouraging Kevin Lyman and those like him to continue to innovate and create new vehicles.  It was awesome the way everyone wrote to Bob to tell “Kevin stories”.  We should all encourage and take part in the fun debate that happens as part of the Lefsetz Letter.  We should do the same for anyone who is trying to make a difference!

Hope you have a great weekend…and sell tickets (instead of giving them away)!

Speak with you soon…



April 26, 2009

Well if it isn’t done yet, it will be very soon.  William Morris Agency will merge with Endeavor…probably by Monday afternoon.  Nikki Finke’s blog says the new company will be called WME Entertainment.  Those most effected by this merger are of course WMA and Endeavor agents (some of whom may lose their jobs) and CAA.  How will it change the face of entertainment?  It probably won’t. 

Truth is, although the agency business has changed a lot over the past 100-years, the agency business hasn’t really changed a lot over the past 100-years.  The primary job of an agent is still to find their clients work.  Negotiate on their behalf with studios, networks, producers, promoters, endorsers, etc, to get the best deal, and put their client in the most favorable light possible.  What the merger will do is create something new and shiny…and in a business where perception is everything, these guys will be carrying a nice head of steam. 

Of course with mergers comes job duplication…and layoffs.  If a business that is contracting, these people may find it tough going looking for new homes.  And although the merger certainly has the most dramatic effect on CAA, where does this leave UTA and Paradigm

Paradigm seems the stronger of the two due to its music roster which includes Cold Play, Dave Matthews, Phish, and Aerosmith.  If I’m UTA management right now, I would be eyeing Gersh, plus a music agency with a strong roster…maybe Dennis Arfa or The Agency Group. 

Well, lets see what the week brings us.  Hope you have a great one!

Speak with you soon…



March 8, 2009

Los Angeles, New York and Denver/Boulder took part in the first Aspen Dinner Club, March 5th.  The feedback has been great…with emails pouring in asking when we are planning the next one (“sorry I missed this one, won’t miss the next”, etc).  Indianapolis is going to a quarterly rotation, while Boston, Austin, Nashville, and “Central Coast of California” will be starting up in April.  This is really exciting!  Our next meeting is Thursday, April 2nd (with the possible exception of Central Coast).  If you would like to be an organizer in your city, please let me know

Our group in Los Angeles was a great mix of agents (CAA, Agency Group, WMA), promoters (AEG/Goldenvoice, Live Nation, Nederlander), a lawyer (Gene Salomon), insurance guys (Peter Tempkins & his partner), Internet entrepreneurs (Scott Perry), managers (Nettwerk, Bill Silva), and even a record company (Marc Friedenberg from Interscope).  Other than a crazy restaurant manager who complained to me twice that we “took-up his entire dinning room” (why anyone would complain about something like that in these times is just beyond me), the energy was electric.  Maybe you didn’t come out with a way of doubling your bottom line this year, but I bet you did walk away with two or three new contacts and at least one idea you didn’t have before.  And that’s the concept behind the club.  It will just keep growing.

For those of you who attended our first meeting, please try and bring at least one new member to the next.  Know that dinner club members don’t have to be from the Music or Live Entertainment businesses.  We welcome anyone from any business.  The concept is to network, share ideas, meet new people, innovate, and grow your business.  For example, I met Landon Sorgenstein from AEG.  He is their interactive and new media guru…and he knows his shit.  After asking him a few questions he had me up to speed.  That’s what I’m talking about!

Don’t miss out…join the Aspen Dinner Club.  Our next meeting is Thursday, April 2nd.  For more details, please keep reading our newsletter…and spreading the word.

Also wanted to let you know that our friend Barbara Rose has started-up her own management firm and bringing Natalie Cole on as her first client.  Barbara can be reached at: 


Speak with you soon…


Barbara Rose 
14320 Ventura Boulevard
Suite 450
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423
phone:  818-981-5600